Crosaire No 17496 by Crossheir – Friday, February 12th, 2021

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


8 Is in the past (‘is’ in the past = WAS-) a (-A-) bit (bit) short (t) (‘bit’ without ‘t’ = -BI) (WASABI) of a condiment (WASABI),

9 Those involved in psephology see this (EXIT POLL) as a way out (EXIT) for Count (POLL) (EXIT POLL),

10 Walk (walk by a beach = PROM) of rebellious (= reverse indicator) characters in The Metamorphosis (characters in ‘the metaMORPhosis’ = morp = PROM),

11 Incoherent type (DISJOINTED) passed away (died = DI-ED) over small (-S-) local bar (local ‘bar’ = -JOINT-) (DISJOINTED),


12 A French (‘a’ French = UN-) port (port/left = -L-) on the other side of (= position indicator) the Mediterranean (-SEA) (UNSEAL) is open? (UNSEAL),

14 Ripped to shreds (TATTERED) in most of (s) the rags (tatters) (‘tatters’ without ‘s’ = TATTER-) by journalist (-ED) (TATTERED),

15 Don’t panic (KEEP YOUR SHIRT ON) 24 across (‘keep’ = KEEP) – it’s said (= homophone indicator) you’re (“you’re” = “YOUR”) getting his torn (his torn) rubbish (= anagram indicator) (his torn = SHIRT ON) (KEEP YOUR SHIRT ON),

18 Endures (endures) awful (= anagram indicator) (endures = RUDENES-) opening song (opening ‘Song’ = -S) (RUDENESS) by Bad Manners (RUDENESS),

20 Continues to ignore sun (‘continues’ to ignore ‘sun’ = contie = NOTICE) warning (NOTICE),

22 Key (music key F-) to making up stories? (-LYING) Who cares (who cares! = SO-) – most of (g) the journal (log) (‘log’ without ‘g’ = -LO) (FLYING SOLO) is describing a trip taken by an unsociable bird! (FLYING SOLO),

24 Some upset (= reverse indicator) escapee kidnapped (some ‘escaPEE Kidnapped’ = peek = KEEP) from castle (castle = KEEP),

25 Cool it (CALM DOWN) like in 15 across (like ‘keep your shirt on’ = CALM DOWN),

26 Jersey’s (jerseys = SHIRTS) hailstorms dislodged loam (‘hailstorms’ dislodged/without ‘loam’ = SHIRTS).


1 Slime removed from trampolines (‘slime’ removed from ‘trampolines’ = trapon = PATRON) by nice boss (Nice/French ‘boss’ = PATRON),

2 Collected (CALM) from borders of cabbage palm (from borders of ‘CAbbage paLM’ = CALM),

3 Bordeaux wine (Bordeaux/French ‘wine’ = VIN-) is for young man (lad) served up (= reversal indicator) (lad = -DAL-) duck twice (-OO) (VINDALOO) in Indian restaurant (VINDALOO),

4 Those found in 17 down (HENS found in ‘henhouse’) with the crabs? (female crabs = HENS),

5 Doctor (doctor/tamper = RIG-) is not in office (-OUT) (RIG-OUT) uniform (RIG-OUT),

6 It’s common knowledge (OPEN SECRET), Frank (OPEN) has a skeleton in the closet (SECRET) (OPEN SECRET),

7 A trusted friend (ALTER EGO) of tailor (tailor = ALTER), for example (e.g. = EG-), from Ring (-O) (ALTER EGO),

13 Take legal action (sue), upset (= reverse indicator) (sue = EU-S) over Memphis (Memphis) criminal (= anagram indicator) (Memphis = -PHEMISM-) (EUPHEMISMS) trading insults with less offensive types perhaps (EUPHEMISMS),

14 Turns up (= reverse indicator) group (set = TE-S) holds onto address (Mr = -RM-) (TERMS) – it comes with conditions (TERMS and Conditions),

16 Peer (EQUAL) to take care of Bill (PAY bill) (EQUAL PAY) – it’s a just reward for all the work he’s done in fairness (EQUAL PAY),

17 Biddy (HEN) from The Dáil (-HOUSE) (HENHOUSE) accommodates The Sussexes? (HENHOUSE accommodates The Sussexes / breed of hens),

19 On reflection (= reverse indicator), went missing (gone = E-NOG) over horse (-GG-) (EGGNOG) – the one taken at Christmas from local (pub) (EGGNOG),

21 Establish (CREATE) on the borders of Creole State (on the borders of ‘CREole stATE’ = CREATE),

23 Pays in full (OWNS) for brownies, failing to get Brie (‘brownies’ failing to get/ without ‘Brie’ = owns = OWNS),

24 Link (KNIT) to pepper (KN- pepper) and iodine (-I-) and tetraethyl lead (‘Tetraethyl’ lead = -T) (KNIT).