Crosaire No 17801 by Crossheir – Friday, February 4th, 2022

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


8 Locks a (locks a) building (= anagram indicator) (locks a = CLOAKS) with blinds (blinds/covers = CLOAKS),

9 Where in Paris (‘where’ in Paris/French = ‘ou’ = -OU-), park (-P-) is taken in by old newsman (town crier = CR-IER) (CROUPIER) – the one dealing to gamblers (CROUPIER),

10 Unfinished (e) draft (‘write’ without ‘e’ = WRIT) of court document (WRIT),


11 Autocrat in (autocrat in) trouble (= anagram indicator) (autocrat in = ART AUCTION) with one of those looking to deal to collectors (ART AUCTION),

12 Didn’t organise a reception (ELOPED), as local split with girlfriend to join The Union (local ‘split’ with girlfriend ... = leave with girlfriend ... ELOPED),

14 Manage (RAN-) to get revolutionary (-CHE-) arithmetic (one of the 3Rs = -R-) from society (-S) (RANCHERS) stock figures? (RANCHERS),

15 In a theatrical way, produce it to get Brolly back (CLOAKROOM TICKET) with most of the characters in 22 across (most of ‘cloakrooms’ = CLOAKROOM) and 21 down (‘ticket’ = TICKET) (CLOAKROOM TICKET),

18 They produce contemptuous smiles (SNEERERS)? That’s about (-RE-) right (-R-) in Essen (Essen) curiously! (= anagram indicator) (Essen = SNEE-S) (SNEERERS),

20 Inuit’s (inuits) stew (= anagram indicator) (inuits = IN SITU) on the premises (IN SITU),

22 Places where people go when they leave Chesterfield (coat) and Ulster (coat) temporarily (CLOAKROOMS) with most of 8 across (most ‘cloaks’ = CLOAK-) and 14 down (‘rooms’ -ROOMS) (CLOAKROOMS),

24 Henry (H-) is in The Pink (in the pink/ ok = -O-K) consuming cold (-C-) (HOCK) German wine  (HOCK),

25 From a previous generation, a much older member of the family (ANCESTOR) in finance store (in ‘finANCE STORe’ = ANCESTOR),

26 One (UNITED) trade unionist dishing out rations (‘trade unionist’ dishing out/without ‘rations’= deunit = UNITED).


1 Type of arrangement (FLORAL arrangement) all for (all for) mischief (= anagram indicator) (all for = FLORAL),

2 Knocks back (= reverse indicator) spirits, albeit (‘spiriTS ALbeit’ = tsal = LAST) at the back of the queue (LAST),

3 Clare (Clare ISLAND-) Ward (-ER) (ISLANDER) of Shetland, for instance (ISLANDER is of Shetland Islands),

4 At sea off east coast (‘at sea’ off ‘east coast’ = cost = SCOT) of Shetland, for instance (SCOT is of Shetland),

5 Row (COLUMN) with prop? (COLUMN),

6 Catch sight of (SPOT) Czech (Czech) state (= homophone indicator) (‘Czech’ = ‘check’ = CHECK-) cops’ extreme (‘copS’ extreme = -S) (SPOT CHECKS) random tests (SPOT CHECKS),

7 Secure or (secure or) adapt (= anagram indicator) (secure or = RECOURSE) may be the only way out (RECOURSE),

13 One regulating the beat (heart beat) (pacemaker = P-ACEMAKER) encapsulating energy (-E-) (PEACEMAKER) of irenic figure (PEACEMAKER),

14 Lodges (ROOMS) tips from impostors (‘tips’ from ‘impostors’ = moors = ROOMS),

16 Is capable of taking a call at home (LANDLINE) to come down (LAND-) to the bar (-LINE) (LANDLINE),

17 Auditions (TRIES OUT) tourist (tourist) travelling (= anagram indicator) (tourist = TRI-S OUT) around Spain (-E-) (TRIES OUT),

19 A (-A) sailor (tar = -RAT-) is about (re) to flip over (= reverse indicator) (re = ER-) (ERRATA) mistakes in the paper (ERRATA),

21 Pass (TICKET) Mark (TICK-) and Earl (-E-) going by car (model -T) (TICKET),

23 Gets high (soars), loses head (s) (‘soars’ without ‘s’ = OARS) and rows (OARS),

24 Salute (HAIL) fans leaving in a flash (‘fans’ leaving ‘in a flash’ = ialh = HAIL).