Crosaire No 17820 by Crossheir – Saturday, February 26th, 2022

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication

1 Ask for money (COME CAP IN HAND) for sponge locally (locally sponge/scrounge = COME CAP IN HAND).

10 Palatial (OPULENT) Oxford (O-) bar (pub) is not finished (b) (‘pub’ without ‘b’ = -PU-) – is it time to give up? (-LENT) (OPULENT),

11 Lively, energetic music (CON BRIO) by Sting (CON) from Brasilia, the capital (‘Brasilia’ the capital = B-) city in Brazil (-RIO) (CON BRIO),

12 Part of the complexity (part of the ‘complEXITy’ = EXIT) is way out (EXIT),


13 Local bread (MONEY) produced by those at the end of 8 down (end of ‘come into money’ = MONEY),

15 Turn up (COME) for all sides today (COME on all sides of today’s grid),

17 Bar (ROD) set up (= reverse indicator) in Benidorm (in ‘beniDORm’ = dor = ROD),

19 State (NATION) of artist coming out of train station (‘artist’ coming out of ‘train station’ = nation = NATION),

21 Detailed (t) formal order (formal order/decree = ‘fiat’ without ‘t’ = FIA-) for Glaswegian (Scot) doesn’t end (t) (‘scoT’ without ‘t’ = -SCO) (FIASCO) in disaster (FIASCO),

22 Revolutionary (= reverse indicator) solider (GI = -IG) gets cable (cable = wire = -ERIW) from president (P-) (PERIWIG) that’s over the top? (PERIWIG),

23 Ban (OUTLAW) leads, ores, uranium, titanium (leads ‘Ores Uranium Titanium’ = OUT-) with legislation (-LAW) (OUTLAW),

25 Got the (got the) doctor (= anagram indicator) (got the = GHETTO) for those in rundown part of the city (GHETTO),

27 Chalice (CUP) held up (= reverse indicator) by Capuchins (held up by ‘caPUChins’ = puc = CUP),

29 Frank (OPEN) is ready to meet customers (OPEN),

30 Lee’s a (lees a) pseudo (= anagram indicator) (lees a = EASEL) supporter of the old master (EASEL a supporter of ‘art master’),

31 Found in academy thinking (found in ‘acadeMY THinking’ = MYTH)? Don’t believe it! (MYTH),

34 Deliberately tried to leave (‘deliberately’ tried to leave/ without ‘tried’ = lbeaely = EYEBALL) place where you’ll find the pupil (EYEBALL),

35 Article (an = A-N) about religious leader (rabbi) losing a follower (‘a’ follower = ‘b’) (‘rabbi’ without ‘b’ -RABI-) to a (-A-) (ARABIAN) Yemeni neighbour (ARABIAN),

36 Appear (COME INTO SIGHT) to cite moon- (cite moon = COME INTO) -shot (= anagram indicator) (cite moon = COME INTO) and 18 down (‘sight’ = SIGHT) (COME INTO SIGHT).

2 Ring (O-) is (-IS-) taken in by sect (cult = -CUL-T) (OCULIST) – the one specialising in visions? (OCULIST),

3 Short (t) meeting (event) (‘event’ without ‘t’ = EVEN) in Square (square/equal = EVEN),

4 Her work is bound to be read (AUTHOR) by bookmaker (AUTHOR),

5 Reacted to poison ivy (ITCHED) in unrestricted (= anagram indicator) ditch (ditch = ITCH-D) around bottom of tree (bottom of ‘treE’ = -E-) (ITCHED),

6 Straight (poker HAND) mole from Homeland (‘mole’ from ‘homeland’ = hand = HAND),

7 In a state (NERVOUS), Nurse (nurse) Batty (= anagram indicator) (nurse = NER-US) welcomes midwives (mid ‘wiVes’ = -V-) and leading obstetrician (leading ‘Obstetrician = -O-) (NERVOUS),

8 Get it all from Will (COME INTO MONEY), as firm (CO-) memo (memo = -ME MO-) about teachers (Irish National Teachers’ Organisation = INTO) is fairly (half of) phoney (half of ‘phoNEY’ = -NEY) (COME INTO MONEY),

9 What an underachiever might do (COME TO NOTHING) to fail? (COME TO NOTHING),

14 No Sioux (no Sioux) remedy (= anagram indicator) (no Sioux = NOXIOUS) is unpleasant (NOXIOUS),

16 One of The Stones (TOPAZ) in pre-eminent (TOP-) area (-A-) and zone (-Z) (TOPAZ),

18 A sense (SIGHT) of the odd slingshot (the odd letters of ‘SlInGsHoT’ = SIGHT),

20 Latest release (NEW) albeit from table wine (‘albeit’ from ‘table wine’ = wen = NEW),

21 Some effigy (some ‘efFIGy’ = FIG) in the orchard (FIG),

24 It’s in addition (THERETO) to that leader  (‘That’ leader/first leader = T-) getting to present (present = -HERE-) with couple (two) on the radio (= homophone indicator) (‘two’ = ‘to’ = -TO) (THERETO),

26 Think about in a casual way (TOY WITH) why Tito (why Tito) flourished (= anagram indicator) (why Tito = TOY WITH)? (TOY WITH),

27 Macmillan has no Mam (‘Macmillan’ has no ‘Mam’ = cillan = CALL IN) to visit (CALL IN),

28 Characters videotaped a lobster (characters ‘videotaPED A LObster’ = PEDALO) from inside pleasure boat (PEDALO),

32 Raise a stink removing raisins (‘raise a stink’ removing ‘raisins’ = eatk = TAKE) to consume (TAKE),

33 Soldier (-GI) following (= position indicator) leaders masquerading as (leaders ‘Masquerading As’ = MA-) (MAGI) sorcerers (MAGI).