Making Waves

Not another piece banging on about how RTE can't do comedy.

Not another piece banging on about how RTE can't do comedy.

What makes you think that?

Well, you've got a picture of Barry Murphy.

No, no, no. That's because he's one of the stars of RTE's new late night comedy series Couched. It's on Network 2 on what RTE promos call Comedy Night - Monday to you and me.


Now that's a good youf name for a programme.

And better still it makes sense when you see it. Murphy and his co-comedian spend the programme sitting on matching Laz-e-Boys in front of a TV, flatland-style, talking to each other very, very slowly.

Oh, kind of like the way Joey and Chandler in Friends sit on their Laz-e-Boys in front of the TV?

No, they're funny.

Look, people who think Friends is funny are just mainstream middle-of-the-road types with no sense of irony.

You're absolutely right. I don't know why some people think quick-fire one-liners are funnier than rambling observational monologue.

So is Couched funny?

Compared to what? Upwardly Mobile?

Isn't Barry Murphy the elder lemon of the Irish comedy?

Well, of the younger generation, yes. Barry was a cofounder of the Comedy Cellar, and along with the now-famous Ardal O'Hanlon was part of the comedy trio Mr Trellis. During the summer his Apres Match routine greatly livened up RTE's football coverage.

So he's a stand-up sort of guy?

Yes, but as well as that he's known as a brilliant MC and his laid-back voice is now much sought after for advertising voice-overs.

So is Couched funny?

What's that got to do with it?

Well, if you're going to be snippy about it . . .

Look, comedy is a serious business. How do you think they felt in RTE when everyone was going on about Father Ted? This time the canny national broadcaster has gone for a classic give 'em enough rope approach.

What do you mean?

Well, the programme's line-up features nearly a dozen young comedians from Ireland's comedy circuit, so they can't really complain that they're never invited on the box.

So is Couched funny?


Bernice Harrison

Bernice Harrison

Bernice Harrison is an Irish Times journalist and cohost of In the News podcast