Album of the Day - Regina Spektor's Remember Us to Life: whip-smart avant-pop

Remember us to Life
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Artist: Regina Spektor
Genre: Pop
Label: Warner Records

Russian-born, New York-based Regina Spektor is that most curious of pop star entities: a mainstream act with a cult following. Much loved by the likes of Orange Is the New Black screenwriter Jenji Kohan (yes, that's Spektor's You've Got Time during the opening credits), she has long since morphed from her early days as an East Village "anti-folk" songwriter into someone that draws from varying styles and then fuses these into a form of whip-smart avant-pop.

Never less than enriching, Remember Us to Life has much more of a personal, sombre tone than previous work, with songs informed by death (good friends), birth (a son) and love (a marriage).

The result is a beaut of a collection that veers between emotional depth charges and in-your-face alt.pop tunes. Terrific.

- Regina Spektor's Remember Us to Life is out September 30th on Warner Records.

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture