Art Brut

Brilliant! tragic! Cooking Vinyl ***

Brilliant! tragic! Cooking Vinyl***

Mouthy, shouty, in-your-face, very good punk rock – that’s what Art Brut do. The British/German unit – named after French artist Jean Dubuffet’s definition of “outsider” art – have been around for almost 10 years, and have apparently made a virtue of being a thorn in the music industry’s sizeable ass. Although quite here and now with their lyrics, their music references very good British punk acts such as The Members, Flying Lizards, The Fall and Alternative TV.

Lead singer and linchpin Eddie Argos has a knack, however, of twisting such influences around to make music that not only connects with the band name but also comes across as a refreshing, bracing, singularly English antidote to anodyne chart pop. Production by Black Francis of The Pixies adds to the punch/thwack/up-yours approach. See

Download tracks: Lost Weekend, Bad Comedian, Ice Hockey

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture