
Emika Ninja Tune ***

Emika Ninja Tune***

Emika's electronic credentials are impeccable. The British- born producer and vocalist with a Czech background has plenty of heft to back up her productions, be it field recordings from Berlin's iconic Berghain club or her day job in that city as a sound designer for Native Instruments. Emika's work, though, is well capable of standing on its own merits, as her debut album shows. There's a wonderful ethereal mood to the tracks, but dig a little deeper and you'll hear her Emika's fondness for dubstep, techno and the minor masterpieces of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. Tracks such as 3 Hoursand Count Backwardsreverberate with great effect, as Emika painstakingly crafts creepy, moody, dark, tribal sound effects and hooks. It's a seductive, impressive affair, the sound of a producer showing just how much potential she has to offer.

See emika.co.uk

Download tracks: 3 Hours, Count Backwards