Sampha – Process album review: Songs full of nuance and emotion

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Artist: Sampha
Genre: Electronic
Label: Young Turks

For those who clock the names in brackets and small print in track credits, Sampha Sisay has long been someone to note. He's given a dig out to SBTRKT, Solange, Frank Ocean, Drake, Jessie Ware and Beyonce, but Process shows that his own voice and vision are as worthy of praise as his collaborative muscle.

Sampha works in that soft blurry hinterland where low-slung r’n’b and slo-mo soul merge into pop’s outer limits. His delicate wisp of a falsetto is a fantastic calling card and something which brings each song smartly together, yet he also has the ability to craft songs which are full of nuance and emotion.

Tracks such as (No One Knows Me) Like the Piano are both sad and spectacular, Sampha using its powerful, sparse melancholy to air his feelings around his mother's death. He can also head in the other direction too, with Blood On Me and Reverse Faults showing his prowess when it comes to more sprightly rhythms. A process to marvel at.