Review: Cinderella

Cork Academy of Dramatic Art spares no horses in this high octane offering

The Cork Academy of Dramatic Art doesn't stint on its offerings, and this is especially true of its version of Cinderella. Director Catherine Mahon-Buckley's cast includes a delightful heroine, sweet in appearance, voice and temper, ugly sisters whose ugliness is rivalled only by their hysteria, a fairy godmother floating on a cloud of decibels and eye-shadow, costumes of originality and glamour, dancers who make sense of the choreography, and a lighting design that catches even the jokes, which, given the sound-levels, are otherwise unintelligible. And then there is the coach – it provokes a murmur of delight all round and could give any wedding coach a gallop for its money. The result is that other essential of any pantomime: audience participation. The show is awesome, cool and definitely part of a team.

Ends January 11

Mary Leland

Mary Leland is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in culture