LAB Trio - Nature City review: triple whammy

LAB TRIONature City ****Out Note Records

Nature City
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Artist: LAB Trio
Genre: Jazz
Label: Out Note Records

The members of LAB Trio may be indecently young, but this much-admired Belgian outfit have been exploring music together for a decade – a fact that is obvious from the first note of Nature City.

Individually, drummer Lander Gyselinck, bassist Anneleen Boehme and pianist Bram De Looze are in impressive command of their respective instruments, and the playing here – whether on their own well-crafted originals or a couple of playful rearrangements of Bach keyboard works – is impeccable.

But it is the rapport and intuitive interplay between these three young virtuosi that makes Nature City such a singular and original contribution to the well-ploughed terrain of the piano trio.

Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a musician, writer and director