Morrissey & Marshall: And So It Began

And So It Began
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Artist: Morrissey & Marshall
Genre: Singer / Songwriter
Label: IRL

Their name may bear a resemblance to another famed song-writing duo from the 1980s, but in fact Darren Morrissey and Greg Marshall's musical interests predate that era. The London-domiciled Dubliners are brazenly in thrall to 1960s folk-popsters such as Simon & Garfunkel and even late-era Beatles, but their propensity for appropriation makes scant difference to the enjoyment of their debut. The duo's close harmonies recall The Lost Brothers in parts, but their tunes are given a rockier full-band embellishment on the brisk Pack Up Lady and the positivity-strewn pop of I've Got a Plan. Solemnity is embraced on The Past Four Days and George Harrison-style mysticism is teased on The Mantra. Momentum falters slightly as the album draws to a close, but overall this is a promising introduction.

Download: In Need of Guidance, I've Got a Plan

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times