Richard J Birkin - Vigils: a compelling series of mostly instrumental, minimalistic pieces

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Artist: Richard J Birkin
Genre: Electronic
Label: Reveal Records

Thank God for people who make music that is inspired by (to quote UK sound artist/composer Richard J Birkin, as he paraphrases Neil Young's After the Goldrush) "looking for the singularity in the past and lying in a burned-out basement with the full moon in your eyes".

It is the dreamers that make life truly interesting, and Vigils is full of dream-like music. Inspired by science journals, writers Haruki Murakami and Dalton Trumbo, and the elements enveloping his countryside studio, Birkin concocts a compelling series of mostly instrumental, minimalistic pieces.

Vigils I/II/III/V/VI contain the essence of primary sonic moderators (Brian Eno, Johann Johannsson, Nils Frahm), while the likes of Moonbathing, Night Sun, and A History of Good Ghosts highlight Birkin's own special skills at setting plaintive moods to music.

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture