Shuffle: Britney Spears and Giorgio Moroder drone on in Tom’s Diner

The week’s best clips, singles, downloads and audiostreams

Christine and the Queens ft. Perfume Genius - Jonathan
Singer Heloise Letissier (a.k.a. Christine and the Queens) released a debut album last year in her native France, where she was named female artist of the year. Now the record is being re-released in the US, with this gorgeous new duet added. With lyrics half in English, half in French, the song is about a woman whose lover is indifferent to her, except when they are having sex. "You're never as strong as when you allow yourself to be the most vulnerable person you can be," Letissier concludes in the accompanying statement. Moving, powerful and total nonsense.

Giorgio Moroder ft. Britney Spears - Tom's Diner
On the newest single from his Deja Vu album, 75-year-old "high priest of disco" Giorgio Moroder tackles Susan Vega's signature hit. He brings much to the party: Britney, some dated production effects and a hilarious spoken-word interlude, on the 2:09 mark. "Love is the drug," he drones, like a vocodered Werner Herzog. "That makes you want to drink till the morning after." See also: alcohol.

Conor Walsh - The Front
Swinford man Conor Walsh has been plugging away for a few years on the, no doubt lucrative, Mayo minimalist piano scene. Finally, he's produced a debut EP, and if the title track is anything to go by, this finished article should be worth a listen. The Front EP launches, with 12" vinyl and digital release, at the Unitarian Church in Dublin, on October 31st.

Rich White Ladies - Love Is For the Week
Brooklyn duo Scotty Rebel and Tokyo Diiva scored a minor viral hit this summer with the tennis- themed debut single Wimbledon. ("You are so jealous / Like I'm Monica Seles," ran one typical lyric.) The follow up is an ode to end-of-week hedonism. A major label album with producer Tricky Stewart is reportedly in the works.