Snarky Puppy Family Dinner - Volume Two album review: It’s a groove thing

Family Dinner - Volume Two
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Artist: Snarky Puppy
Genre: Jazz
Label: Ground Up

Texas collective Snarky Puppy are more cult than band. Every member has a day job – generally with some big shot pop star – but they save their best for these large ensemble gatherings when “the family” meets and the trademark Snarky grooves go down.

The Family Dinner idea involves luring unsuspecting collaborators into the Puppy den, recording (and filming) the results live. Since Volume One produced a Grammy-winning performance from Lalah Hathaway, one imagines the Puppy's founder, bassist Michael Leagues, is finding the guests a little easier to book these days.

On Volume Two, grandees like David Crosby, Salif Keita and Susana Baca rub shoulders with rising stars like folk-jazz vocalist Becca Stevens and the soon-to-be-massive prodigy Jacob Collier. It's a groove thing.

Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a musician, writer and director