Stooshe may claim that they're "not your average girlband", but the cold, hard facts are against them from the off. This London trio (two of whom were scouted by an agent while working in TopShop) may have more attitude than your run-of-the- mill popstars, but their songs certainly don't. In fact, most of their debut album is dreadful, devoid of memorable hooks and packed with irritatingly affected "character" in the form of off-the-cuff dialogue. The trio cram a number of different styles into these 14 songs, from Caribbean pop (My Man Music) to finger-clicking '60s girl groups (See Me Like This) and clichéd piano ballads (Fly Again). Little sticks. The trio's technical ability as vocalists is unquestionable, but there is simply no charm or individuality to their songs.
Download: Turning Me On, Jimmy
Stooshe: London with the Lights On