The Child of Lov

The Child Of Lov
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Artist: The Child Of Lov
Genre: Electronic
Label: Double Six

Whatever about Cole Williams's attempts to keep his real name and identity on the downlow, there was no such reticence about showing off his musical persona. As The Child of Lov, the Amsterdam-based musician believes that there world would be a better place with the help of great swathes of off-kilter soul, retro funk flings and electronic dabblings of every persuasion. With production help from Damon Albarn, a great contribution from Doom ( the wham-bam Owl ) and some brilliant flights of musical fancy throughout, Williams is not short of confidence to aim high, the skills to hit the target or the grooves to keep listeners humming. Fly is the one to check out as an example of Williams at his best, a gospel-powered earworm with both funky grit and righteous hellfire grandstanding pushing it onwards and upwards. An album to relish.

Download: Fly, Owl