The Phoenix Foundation: Fandango

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Artist: The Phoenix Foundation
Genre: Rock
Label: Memphis Industries

New Zealanders The Phoenix Foundation's smart, dreamy, folky pop has made them a band to be reckoned with at home over the past decade. Geographical matters ensured that it took until their fourth album, Buffalo , for them to gather a cast of admirers further afield. The ambitious, expansive and multi-layered Fandango is sure to add to that following, with its infectious, robust, atmospheric tunes. The band's fondness for psychedelic reels has greatly influenced Fandango , with nearly every song coated in panoramic, kaleidoscopic hues. While they occasionally get carried away with the freak power of it all – it's no surprise that the 18 minute-long Friendly Society lacks cohesion – the likes of The Captain , Modern Rock and Sideways Glance are euphoric, pastoral and languid by turn.
Download: Modern Rock , Sideways Glance