
As a performance-art hymn to the feminist movement and herstory (as opposed to history, see makeyourownherstory

As a performance-art hymn to the feminist movement and herstory (as opposed to history, see, Nic Green’s piece is vintage Fringe stuff: quirky idea and follow-through; variety of performance options and styles; surprising, perhaps shocking imagery; not for a mainstream market. All delivered with winning stage presence, admirable skill, sincerity and good cheer.

The heavy emphasis on general herstory, particularly in lengthy part two, is nicely handled but long-winded (perhaps a show in itself), and the production needs more examination of women today to sharpen its message. And unfortunately the show’s length (three hours) limits the audience for its vital message: where has the feminist movement gone since 1971, when the Town Bloody Hall meeting featured in part two took place? Trilogy does contain the astonishing and delightful image of a stage-full of nude women dancing in a celebratory (as opposed to pole-dance) way –­ certainly a highlight of this year’s Fringe.

Runs until tomorrow