Paying the property tax up front

Sir, – Revenue has just written to householders in connection with payment of the Local Property Tax liability for 2014 which falls due on March 21st, 2014.

In the letter you are advised that you have until November 27th, 2013 to select and commit to your payment option.

However, if one opts to pay by credit/debit card online you are advised, on the Revenue website, that by complying with the request to inform them of your payment option before November 27th, payment is deducted immediately due to “the nature of banking and credit card systems”.

This results in a credit/forward payment of about four months.


I don’t know of any bill that I pay by credit/debit card that requires this type of forward payment.

I’m sure the people at Revenue, like me and hundreds of thousands of others pay their motor car tax online. It can be made on, before or even sometime after the due date, but I don’t know anyone paying four months in advance.

Is this not the same “nature of banking and credit card systems” which is designed to accelerate payments worldwide and while the process can sometimes take a few days I fail to understand why it needs four months.

Apart from the motor tax liabilty there are countless other bills one pays by credit/debit card on or about the due date. Why should this payment be any different? – Yours, etc,


Ennis Road,
