1. Do sitting workouts. If you're stuck in work, or really have to watch the next three episodes of Fortitude, try using your time to do some stretches.
2. Drink green tea. Stuffed with anti-oxidents, it's a fantastic replacement for a cup of mid-morning Java.

3. Download a seven-minute workout app to your phone and follow it daily. The latest workout thinking is that short sharp bursts of activity (often referred to as H.I.I.T (High Intensity Interval Training)) are more effective than longer exercise sessions.
Make soup
. Sweat lots of fresh chopped veg in a little oil for a 5-8 minutes. Add stock and a handful of pearl barley and bring to the boil. Simmer for 10 – 15 minutes. Done and delicious.

5. Stay Hydrated. Just a few more glasses of water a day will result in better concentration and more energy. Keep a big bottle of water in your bag or at your desk to remind you to keep drinking.
6. Spice up your life. Chilli boosts metabolism, is high in nutrients and triggers endorphins. Swap mayonnaise for a spicy sauce at lunch, or chop up and sprinkle over dinners.
7. Read more. Brain health is just as important as body health.Try reading a short story or a poem for a refreshing change from the endless Facebook stream. You'll be glad of the break. (Try the Hennessy New Irish Writers page for inspiration if you don't know where to start).

8. Eat mindfully. No matter how much of a rush you are in, slow down at lunchtime and concentrate on what you are eating. Start by sitting away from the computer. Odds are you will eat less and enjoy it more.
9. Do a DIY facial. Whip up two egg whites to soft peaks, apply to your face using sweeping upwards movements. Leave on for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Skin will feel brighter and tighter.
10. Take up sea swimming. The first time you get in will shock you to the core. The second time will feel almost as bad. By the third swim you will be hooked.
11. Discover Glendalough. It's not just for tourists. An afternoon's ramble will leave you feeling fresh, happy and closer to nature.

12. Get up an hour earlier and use the time to meditate or go for a run. Yet another study has shown that exercising before breakfast is more beneficial than exercise taken later in the day.
13. Cool down. A very hot shower will dry out your skin and cause it to age prematurely. A blast of cold water at the end of your shower though, is great for circulation.
Keep a pair of trainers at work.
Put them on at lunchtime and instead of wolfing a sandwich at the desk go forage for something at the other end of town.

15. Find that Fitbit or Jawbone you discarded last year and get it going again. You know you won't walk those 10,000 steps unless you really have to.
16. Sign up to a course. Starting something with a group of people gives you a support system and a network of people to talk to about your experience. Start by looking at The Irish Times Get Running Beginners course.
17. Wash your bedclothes. All sorts of allergy triggers live in bed clothes and can result in a bad night's sleep as well as a foggy morning head.
18. Sit properly. Learning how to sit properly at your desk is something your back will thank you for in years to come and pay back immediately.
19. Sing. Singing is a natural stress reliever that realises good endorphins and improves confidence and respiratory health. So turn up your favourite song in the car and let it out.
20. Buy an old-fashioned alarm clock. With an old fashioned alarm clock you can leave your phone downstairs at bed time, and slow down screen-free before sleep.
21. Simple cooking. Cooking at home doesn't have to be complicated. Try one of Lilly Higgins easy recipes using only five ingredients.
22. Exfoliate. Get rid of that flaky, dry winter skin by mixing together half a cup of olive or coconut oil with sea salt and rubbing it all over yourself in the shower. You could also use some of the spare oil as a conditioning mask for your hair - but do remember to wash it out.
23. Feel the buzz. Honey is an anti-oxident, it's anti-bacterial and just delicious. It's especially good in the morning to boost energy and metabolism. Try it mixed with warm water and a knob of ginger.
24. Copy the cat: Learn some stretching exercises to do in bed when you wake up. Streching boosts circulation and digestion, and eases back pain.

25. Check yourself. Checking your body once a month for any changes is an easy precautionary wise move.
26. Socialise more. Take time out of your day to ask your colleagues how they are or reserve an hour after work to go for a walk with a friend. Studies show small talk keeps your brain sharp, and endorphins will be triggered when spending time with people you like.
27. Join the dark side. Swap milk chocolate for dark chocolate. A square or two of dark chocolate is actually good for you, and you are far less likely to eat the whole bar in one go.
28. Think small. Often what deters people from a healthy lifestyle is the feeling that it is all just a bit overwhelming. Instead, pick one achievable thing to change, like having one cup of green tea a day, and build on that.
Have a great Feburary and good luck!