Emigrated for work in construction? Tell us about your experience

Survey: Why did you leave? How do your career prospects compare? Will you return?

Irish Times Abroad is running a new series about working in construction overseas. This week and next, we’ll be taking a look at the opportunities for workers in both the trades and professions who want to move abroad, or for those already overseas who would like to return to live in Ireland.

Workers living overseas, or who have recently moved home, will be sharing their personal stories.

As part of the series, we are running a survey to ask Irish people with experience of working abroad: Why did you leave the country in recent years? Where are you living now? What is your current job like? Do you plan to return to Ireland? If you have already moved back, why? And what has your experience been?

Whether you are a carpenter in Calgary, an architect in Auckland, or a plumber back living in Dublin, we would appreciate if you took a few minutes to tell us about your experiences in this survey.


We will report on the findings at the end of the series in April. Thank you.

In the meantime, you will find daily updates from the series at irishtimes.com/abroad.