Irish abroad: Have your say on the referendum results

Are you proud of Ireland today? Will the result affect you personally? Let us know

A couple embraces outside the count centre in Dublin this afternoon. Photograph: Cathal McNaughton/Reuters

The final result has yet to be announced but it is certain Ireland is on course to approve the amendment on same-sex marriage with a strong Yes vote reported around the country.

We’re inviting readers abroad to share their reaction to the results in the comments section below. Are you proud of Ireland today? Does it change your opinion of the country in any way? If you are a LGBT person living abroad, would it affect your decision to stay abroad or come back here to live? Or if you supported the No side, are you disappointed?

One of the big stories of the referendum over the past few days has been the number of people travelling back to Ireland from overseas specially to vote. Were you one of them? If so, how do you feel today? Were following the #HomeToVote tweets or hearing stories about people making the journey to vote? How did you feel about not having a vote in the referendum?

Have your say in the comments section below.