An Irish businessman in Singapore: ‘You’ll get a year in jail if you are in a drunken brawl, so people don’t step out of line’
By Frank Dillon
An Offaly woman in London: ‘I was a teenager before I had the guts to identify as Irish’
By Anna Derrig
In Paris it’s always about your next meal - here are my favourite restaurants in the City of Light
By Patricia Killeen
More than 4,600 Irish teachers working abroad as schools at home struggle with staff shortages - study
By Carl O'Brien
Washing up in Iberia: ‘We realised we weren’t ever going to sail the world, so we moved ashore and sold the boat’
By Martina Tyrrell
Irishman in Canada for 50 years: ‘I was about to return home after three years but then things changed’
By Patrick McKenna
An Irish woman in Malta: ‘I miss my family and the greenery of home but not the driving rain’
By Olive Keogh
A Dubliner returning to France after 15 years away: ‘Here are some of the many changes I noticed’
By Marc de Faoite
Chef Ryan O’Sullivan: ‘I was like, I have to get back to the States and make something of myself’
By Fiona Keeley
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