The journey #HomeToVote: selection of the best tweets

A selection of the best tweets showing the distances emigrants are travelling to have their say in the referendums

Hundreds of photos and messages have been posted on Twitter by Irish people travelling home from abroad to vote in the referendums today.

As emigrants flock back from all over the world to vote in today’s same-sex marriage and presidential age referendums, Twitter has been lit up by their photos, videos, messages and stories.

According to a Twitter spokeswoman, 48,000 tweets with the #HomeToVote hashtag were posted on the social media site in just 24 hours up to 2pm, "a significant volume of tweets from an Irish perspective". (UPDATE: this figure was increased to 72,000 in 24 hours between 5pm Thursday and 5pm Friday).

Last night, we saw photos of long queues at Dublin Airport as people wearing Yes Equality badges queued to get through the gates.

They came from Thailand…


… and Kenya…

… and Sweden…

… and Canada…

… and Scotland.

They travelled by planes…

… and trains…

… and buses…

… and ferries.

Some were taking time out from important exams to travel back to vote.

Others were only back for a few hours before jetting off again.

Hozier even took time out of his busy touring schedule to pop home.

And there are still more on their way, including a group of about 30 en route by train and ferry from London, organised by Get the Boat 2 Vote campaign.

Welcome back one and all.

<strong>Read more: <a href="">Emigrants take planes, trains and automobiles #Hometovote</a></strong>