Have your say: Have you been harassed while running?

Nine in 10 women runners in the UK have experienced harassment

Writing in The Irish Times this week, Orla Muldoon described how she and two other women were harassed on three occasions while out for a run recently in Limerick. Her experience, and those of other women she has spoken to since, "suggests that on-street harassment of runners is an endemic problem in Ireland". Research in the UK has found that nine in 10 female runners have experienced harassment.

The Irish Times would like to hear from runners about their experiences. Have you been harassed while out for a run? What happened? Do you think harassment of runners is an "endemic problem", as Muldoon claims? What can be done to stop it?

You can share your experiences and opinions (max 300 words) by using this form. A photograph is optional.

A selection of responses may be published on irishtimes.com.


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