Health board: news, discussions and updates

Concussion: Sports-related concussion is a controversial issue at professional and amateur levels, as are the potential long-term effects. How can players protect themselves against concussion? What are the consequences of injuries of this kind? How can we make high-contact sports safer? Eoin McDevitt, presenter of Second Captains, will lead a discussion on concussion in sport with engineer Ciaran Simms, chartered physiotherapist Fiona Wilson, neurologist Colin Doherty, and Dublin Gaelic footballer Michael Darragh Macauley in the Trinity College Dublin Science Gallery, Pearse Street, Dublin, tonight at 6pm. Admission free but booking advised on science

Weight-mate app: Safefood Ireland has developed a free weight-loss app, Weight-mate. The app will help individuals set goals by daily tracking of meals and activities. It also includes more than 400 calorie-counted meals designed by independent nutritionists. Dr Cliodhna Foley-Nolan from Safefood says: "When it comes to weight loss, quick-fix, fad diets are unsustainable and ineffective and lead to people yo-yo dieting and regaining the weight they've lost or in some cases, even becoming heavier." The Weight-mate app is suitable for android and iphones.

Food business: The Food Safety Authority of Ireland is holding a free seminar for small food businesses or anyone thinking of setting one up. Experts will explore the requirements businesses need to meet to get started and comply with all relevant food safety legislation. The seminar will be held in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Northwood Park, Santry, Dublin 9, on Thursday, January 28th from 8am-1pm. Booking on or email

Spring detox: The start of spring is deemed to be the best time to do a detox. Joanne Faulkner, the author of Conscious Cooking, will host a healthy detox on Saturday, February 13th, from noon to 4.30pm in the Miele Live Kitchen, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24. Cost €65. Meanwhile, Faulkner starts a new drop-in cooking class in Greenside House, Cuffe Street (off St Stephen's Green), Dublin, on Thursday, January 28th, at 10.30am. Booking on 086 6070432 or


Blood donations: The Irish Blood Transfusion Board is calling for donors to make a special effort to give blood over the coming weeks as the sustained bad weather has adversely impacted the supply.Blood is in constant demand and the board aims to hold seven days' supply across all the blood groups. See for a blood clinic near you.

Beat the blues: Support group Aware is offering its life skills programmes online or in a group setting at selected locations nationwide. Based on principles of cognitive behavioural therapy, the programmes have been shown to have a positive impact on symptoms of depression and anxiety. Aware also offers countrywide group support meetings, Beat the Blues talks in schools and Wellness@Work programmes. Those in need of support can call its helpline 1890 303 302 or email