Health Scan: Claire Quinn

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?
As a working mum living and commuting from Ennis to Dublin, it's probably best to say "this is not ideal", but I love this area of work in palliative care within LauraLynn so maybe that helps. I don't smoke or drink but I do have extra weight to lose since I had my babies. The nature of academic work is sedentary but inactivity is just an excuse.

How often do you exercise?
We live in a beautiful area in Co Clare – so I try to get out for a ramble. I used to swim competitively in my youth so I like to swim when I can. At the moment I find it's all about encouraging our children in their sporting activities rather than my own.

Do you get your five fruit and vegetables a day?
When I am at home, I would definitely say I do. I have always loved fruit and vegetables and our children do too.

Do you worry?
Yes, I do worry – there are always academic papers to write and books to review. We are developing a new training department within LauraLynn, and that is challenging at the moment. But to be honest, when you work in the field of palliative care it really does put things in perspective for you.


What do you do to relax?
I love living where we do and family and friends are very important. As a family, we like to travel so we really focus on family down-time and get away from stress when we can.

What's your worst habit?
I am a bit OCD – and my family would say that constant cleaning is my worst habit – but I think most mums have to be a little like this. I prefer to have everything organised but I am working on this and am learning that muddy football boots in the hall are not the end of the world. It's great that our two children are healthy enough to run around and enjoy life.

Claire Quinn is head of clinical education and research at LauraLynn, Ireland’s Children’s Hospice.

In conversation with