Health Scan: Maria McCambridge

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?
Yes. I have to start my day with my run or it wouldn't be complete. I'm very conscious of eating well to maintain both a healthy body and mind. I'm also conscious that a healthy lifestyle, eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise and avoiding smoking are all important to maintain good eye health.

How often do you exercise?
I train twice a day every day. At the moment, I'm running 80-100 miles a week. As part of my training, I also undertake three to four core exercises a week. My schedule can alter slightly depending on upcoming events. In June I am excited to be running the mini marathon in aid of the Irish charity, Fighting Blindness, which funds research into treatments and cures for blindness and supports the 224,000 people in Ireland living with severe sight loss. It is such a great cause, so I will be hoping for lots of supporters.

Do you get your five fruit and vegetables a day?
I always get my five a day in. I'm a big fruit and vegetable fan and enjoy them, so I take any variety on offer.

Do you worry?
Yes, I do worry. In the past I've worried about what other people think but as I get older, I try to put this aside as there really is nothing you can do to influence others. With regard to running, I would stress about hitting times and targets when I have a big race coming up.


What do you do to relax?
I only get to relax fully at the end of the day when all my training is done. I play dinosaurs and Lego with my two-year-old son, Dylan. I love to put my feet up and watch a bit of TV as well.

Irish Olympic long-distance runner and Dublin City Marathon winner Maria McCambridge will be running the Flora Women’s Mini Marathon this June bank holiday weekend to raise funds for Irish research charity Fighting Blindness.