Health Scan: Ronnie Whelan

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle? Yes, I do. I have high blood pressure so I have to make sure I eat properly and watch my salt and fat intake. Units of alcohol could probably do with being lowered.

How often do you exercise? I play a lot of golf so that would be my main exercise. I don't like the gym.

I’m preparing for my annual 110-mile walk in Ireland at the moment so I’m getting plenty of miles in on the roads.

Do you get your five fruit and vegetables a day? I have always eaten healthily. My wife, Elaine, has always cooked good healthy meals with plenty of vegetables and I eat a lot of salads at lunchtime. Do you worry? I don't tend to worry that much. I have the usual worries of family, like everyone else. I worry a bit if I have to do public speaking but that's probably more nerves.


What do you do to relax? My relaxation is mainly golf and snooker, although I'm playing both so badly at the moment that I wouldn't call it relaxation.

What's your worst habit? My worst habit is leaving until tomorrow things that I can do today, and then getting all clogged up and not doing anything. It's the Irish in me.

Ronnie Whelan, a former Ireland soccer international, has launched a new-look, expanded service to support people with all forms of the severe muscle-weakening disease myasthenia. See