Health Scan: Tom Keogh

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?
I play for my local football team Ballyboughal CLG. We normally train twice a week with a match at the weekend. Sometimes we're too busy on the farm to get away for training but I do as much as time allows in an effort to keep fit. I'm not so good on the diet side, though; I have a weakness for chocolate biscuits.

How often do you exercise?
About three times a week when the football season is running. I find it harder to stay motivated during the winter months. I am conscious of how important exercise is so when I feel I've been slacking I'll make sure I go for a run or take a gym session.

Do you get your five fruit and vegetables a day?

The straight answer is no. I do eat plenty of potatoes though. I definitely don't eat enough fruit and vegetables on the whole but it is something that I think will become one of my many new year's resolutions for 2014.

Do you worry?
No, but as I get older I know I will have to manage my diet better, starting in January. I worry a little too much about the small things – but who doesn't?

What do you do to relax?
I love to head off with my wife, Eimear, and our dog Crystal for a walk on the beach or stroll around the farm. I find the fresh air and quality time with no distractions really clears my head.


What's your worst habit?
Biting my nails, but stopping is also on the list of resolutions for the new year. I tend to work a lot, crazy hours at times. I know it's important to switch off so I did enjoy the Christmas period but now that it's passed I'll be straight back into serious work mode.

Tom Keogh is general manager at Keogh's Farm which has relaunched its Christmas crisps 'Roast Turkey and Secret Stuffing' for the 2013 festive period.