Pulling a US election all-nighter? Here are 7 tips to help you stay awake

If you can’t bear to miss a minute of Clinton Trump action, here’s how to stay alert

Want to catch all the Trump Clinton action? It’s time for tactical thinking

To keep our marathon coverage going, we thought we would look at the marathon that is US election night. If you are planning an all-nighter, you'll need some tactical health thinking to get you through to the not-so early hours without your eyes drooping.

The old favourite - coffee

The trick to using caffeine as a stimulant to keep you awake, is to drink it slowly.

If you drink too much coffee too quickly, you will end up with a case of the shakes and most likely fall into a restless, fitful sleep. Drink too little and you’ll crash the moment it leaves your blood stream. So, aim for roughly half a cup of coffee every two hours to avoid any crash.


Move your mouth

Chewing sends signals to your brain that food is on the way. This means your body gets prepared by producing insulin, perking you up. Unfortunately actually eating a tasty meal will lead to a post-meal slump so stick to chewing something inedible chewing gum or an ice cube. (However, it does seem a wasted opportunity to miss a night of election food so check out our snack survival guide: Pass the bucket: US food and drinks for an election night in front of the TV)

Move your body

Get up off the sofa and watch the action on your feet. The chances are you have already been sitting for too long today already, so stand up and move around. Getting your blood moving will improve the supply of oxygen to your brain, making you more mentally alert as well. And it’s almost impossible to fall asleep when you are on your feet. Almost...

Get mobile

Leave the TV and step outside for a few minutes. Numerous studies have shown that being in touch with nature increases energy levels. And let’s be honest, though your phone will interfere with the “being in touch with nature” element, a blast of cold November air is sure to perk you up.

Light up (no, not like that)

Light inhibits the production of melatonin, a hormone that appears to facilitate sleepiness. So if you want to stay awake, it’s a good idea to keep all your lights on while watching the TV. If you are one of may

Have a giggle

It’s no surprise - laughter is one of the best medicines when it comes to staying awake. Laughing is a natural stimulant for the body and the mind, so enjoy the funny election moments on Twitter or - heaven forbid - have a laugh with a real-life person in your company.

20 zzzz’s

It might be technically cheating but it is a long night and if you think dozing off is inevitable, just plan it. Regardless of the countdown clickers on CNN the lull before the first result is in is the perfect time to catch a few zzz’s - 20 to be precise. Anything more than 20 minutes can give you that groggy feeling of sleep inertia.