What To Sow, Plant And Do

Sow: Beetroot, broccoli raab, carrots (look out for varieties Nanco, Nantes Frubund) endive, kale (as CCA), kohl rabi, Florence…

Sow:Beetroot, broccoli raab, carrots (look out for varieties Nanco, Nantes Frubund) endive, kale (as CCA), kohl rabi, Florence fennel, komatsuna, land cress, lettuce, mibuna, mizuna, mustards, pak choi, spring onions, Chinese cabbage, spring cabbage, radish, rocket, winter spinach, Swiss Chard, turnips, winter purslane.

Plant:Chicory, Chard, Florence fennel, French beans (polytunnel/cloche), cabbages, cauliflowers, kale, oriental leaves, second-cropping potatoes (eg Carlingford – will need frost protection later).

Do:Continue harvesting, continue sowing seed and pricking out/thinning seedlings, weed/hoe beds, net young brassicas, soft fruit and fruit bushes, cover carrots with Bionet, pinch out side basal shoots and stake tomatoes, feed tomatoes, celeriac, celery, pumpkins. Watch out for garden pests.