Haughey not only figure of political interest to have lived at Abbeville

General in American revolution also resident

Abbeville, Charles Haughey residence in Kinsealy in 1996.

Former taoiseach Charles J Haughey may be the political figure inextricably linked with the Kinsealy estate of Abbeville, but research reveals that a leader of wider historic significance was born and raised in the north Dublin home.

Historical research company Eneclann has discovered Gen Richard Montgomery, revolutionary commander of the Continental Army that captured Montreal from the British in 1775, was reared on the estate. A friend of George Washington, Montgomery was the first person to have a memorial constructed in their honour by the new American nation, and until now it had always been believed he was born in Swords, Co Dublin.

Ironically the revelatory research was commissioned by Mark FitzGerald, son of Haughey’s great political rival and former taoiseach, Garrett FitzGerald. Mr FitzGerald, who is managing director of estate agency Sherry FitzGerald, has taken over the selling of the Malahide estate for receiver Kavanagh Fennell for €5.5 million – a seventh of what Manor Park Homes paid for it in 2003.

Records show Richard Montgomery’s father, Thomas, leased the estate as his Dublin residence in 1736 when he was the sitting MP for Lifford, Co Donegal.

Madeleine Lyons

Madeleine Lyons

Madeleine Lyons is Property Editor of The Irish Times