Strong reaction to Opel test drives

Initial reactions to the Opel three-day test drive programme seems to be strong

Initial reactions to the Opel three-day test drive programme seems to be strong. "With some 120 bookings already, we're nicely surprised," says sales director Richard Cassidy at DG Opel on the Navan Road, Dublin.

"Customers really appreciate the bonus of being able to live with a test car for three days. They can relax in their comfort zone with no obligation while we can give their car a free check-over for better trade-in and provide them with a report on 'jobs-to-do' even if they don't make the change."

According to an Opel spokesperson: "It seems amazing, but around half of all new car buyers will happily spend thousands on a new car without ever driving it. Even those who take a test drive will base their buying decision on a quick spin around the block with a salesman in the passenger seat.

"How can you tell how it will handle on the roads you use every day? Will the engine perform well in your local conditions? Will the baby's pushchair or your golf clubs fit in the boot? Can you reverse it into your driveway easily? It might be that you've no idea of the car's abilities until it's too late to change your mind."


Across Europe around 35,000 test cars have been made available, and a total of more than a million miles are expected to be driven by potential customers in the three-month campaign.

In Ireland, Opel has set aside a fleet of cars exclusively for the three-day test drive programme throughout its network of dealers. The programme will run until the middle of July to cater for the expected demand.

Explaining the reason for the programme, Opel Ireland managing director Dave Sheeran says: "The test drive programme is the first in what will be a series of initiatives to allow the Irish consumer to connect with the Opel brand, experience the product and the Opel dealer network. I'm confident that, if past, present and future customers take the opportunity to experience the product for three days, it will sell itself."

Three-day test drives can be booked via local Opel dealerships, online at, or through a central lo-call booking line (1850 200 856). Opel predicts that, by the end of the programme, some 6,000 Irish motorists will have taken up the offer.

Michael McAleer

Michael McAleer

Michael McAleer is Motoring Editor, Innovation Editor and an Assistant Business Editor at The Irish Times