DJ's paintings put everyone - even the hamster - in a spin

THE SOCIAL NETWORK: The Four Seasons held an exhibition of Mo Kelly’s paintings at the Ice Bar on Tuesday evening.

THE SOCIAL NETWORK:The Four Seasons held an exhibition of Mo Kelly's paintings at the Ice Bar on Tuesday evening.

It is her “only terrestrial showing” this year as the artist has been selling her work online with Arttraffic and Saatchi Gallery. Kelly, who also works as a DJ at the Ice Bar, has had other pictures hanging in the bar for the past few months. But where are the tapestries by Irish art stalwarts, such as Louis le Brocquy, Liam Belton, Barrie Cooke and Tony O’Malley, that once hung there?

The artist Thelma Mansfield was accompanied by her son, the artist Michael Morris. He’s enjoying a rest at the moment. “This is respite and the calm after the storm,” he said.

Gillian de Lacy of the Four Seasons had to leave early: she received a call to tell her that her son’s pet hamster had escaped.


Who we spottedThe singer Camille O'Sullivan; Robert Nolan, general manager of the Four Seasons