How to avoid being skimmed, scammed or robbed abroad

Ensure your cash and cards are safe at all times and never keep valuables in backpacks

I was in Barcelona recently and was reminded of how important it is to avoid being scammed, skimmed, or parted from your money, cards and telephone. The good news is that there is an increased police presence in the city, but do not get complacent, the robbers are still there.

Banks and credit card providers are always increasing security and watching for unusual activity on cards. The chip and PIN system has reduced considerably the misuse of cards.

Before you go away you should notify your card provider of where you will be. You can also arrange a daily withdrawal limit. This also prevents your card being suspended if you are suddenly appearing in another country.

Money belts

Keep your cash and cards safe at all times, use the hotel/accommodation safe to store extra cash, cards and passports. Never keep valuables in backpacks on your back, use money belts and consider reducing your wallet or purse to the bare minimum. Clear out your wallet or purse of unneeded items to reduce the size.


Pickpockets hone in on men with obviously thick wallets in their pockets and women’s handbags in crowded places. Use ATMs only at banks and ensure there are no shoulder-skimmers or anything unusual about the machine.

Never enter your PIN more than once. If it does not work the first time, cancel the transaction immediately. If your card remains in the machine, report it to the issuer as lost or stolen. Beware of helpful strangers – they may be part of the scam.

Be careful using internet cafes abroad and never use them if they involve paying with credit or debit cards. On nights out bring only the amount you will need and keep your taxi fare separate. Thieves target people when they are enjoying themselves.