In short

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More travel news in brief.

Airport's tips for healthy trips

Dublin Airport is launching a month of healthy-flying advice next week. Farrol Kahn of Aviation Health, a not-for-profit organisation in Oxford, will join the RTÉ presenter Kathryn Thomas at the airport's food court at 11am on Friday to outline the benefits of taking certain foods and beverages before a flight, and advise on combating jet lag (above) and dehydration. His tips will be distributed to travellers until June 15th.

Cancer support fundraisers


The ARC Cancer Support Centre has organised a range of challenges to raise funds. They include a sponsored walk in Naxos, Greece, from September 12th to 19th, the Famine Way Walk in Mayo from October 10th to 12th, a cycle in Napa Valley in California from October 3rd to 12th, and the 11th ARC Cuban Cycle Challenge from March 6th to 15th 2009.

'Intangible delights' of Cooley

Carlingford and the Cooley Peninsula have been awarded the title of European Destinations of Excellence - Tourism & Intangible Heritage 2008, in a competition funded by Fáilte Ireland with support from the EU. The area hosts a range of events across the year, including Birds on the Bay and the Traditional Irish Winter Schoolin February, the Táin Walking Festival in March and an oyster festival in September.