‘Paddling through stars’ on Lough Hyne

The Irish Times is on the hunt for The Best Place to Go Wild in Ireland, asking members of the public to nominate their favourite spots to experience nature. To inspire you, we’re also making videos of some of them.

Mark Donovan is one of many people who has written to us about night kayaking on Lough Hyne, Co Cork. “A night paddle with Atlantic Sea Kayaks in the beautiful Lough Hyne in West Cork is truly amazing,” he writes. “Seeing giant starfish as you set off just as the light is fading sets the scene for what is one of the most magical experiences you can have anywhere in the world. The water comes alive with bioluminescence as your kayak cuts thorough it. It’s like paddling through stars.”

In the accompanying video, Bryan O’Brien captures the experience beautifully.

You can nominate your own favourite place to #gowild - and learn more about the competition - at www.irishtimes.com/gowild. For info on night kayaking on Lough Hyne, see www.atlanticseakayaking.com.

Jim Kennedy of Atlantic Sea Kayaking West Cork takes us out on Lough Hyne for some late-night moonlit kayaking. Video: Bryan O'Brien