National Trails Day

GO KIDS: Tomorrow is National Trails Day when everyone is encouraged to get out in the open air and enjoy some of the amazing…

GO KIDS:Tomorrow is National Trails Day when everyone is encouraged to get out in the open air and enjoy some of the amazing trails through Coillte-managed forests and along several waymarked routes throughout the country.

While walking boots are a must for most events, in its three years National Trials Day has broadened out to include several different ways of getting around, including family-friendly canoeing and cycling events.

Bikes and hikes in LaoisMeet at the car park in Emo Court at 10.30am to register and set off at 11am for a three-hour cycle. Emo is on the R422, off the N7. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Helmets are compulsory for children and advisable for adults.

Paddle with the Moy Canoe ClubThe club is offering children over 12 years of age and adults the chance to try canoeing. Meet at the quay in Ballina, Co Mayo, at 2pm. You must be able to swim. Bring a hot drink and don't forget a change of clothes as you will get wet.


Mountain Biking in Ballinastoe, Roundwood, Co WicklowThis event is for anyone over eight years of age with a mountain bike in good working order. The aim of the day is to build up mountain biking confidence and skills. There are two sessions, at 10.30am and noon and each lasts for 90 minutes. Meet at Ballinastoe woods mountain bike park trail.

For a list of events in every county, see

Bernice Harrison

Bernice Harrison

Bernice Harrison is an Irish Times journalist and cohost of In the News podcast