900 for review stand for 1916 march

Members of the Government, the Dáil, the judiciary, the diplomatic corps and the social partners will be among those invited …

Members of the Government, the Dáil, the judiciary, the diplomatic corps and the social partners will be among those invited to the reviewing stand in O'Connell Street for the military parade on Easter Sunday, April 16th, to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Easter Rising.

Relatives of the 1916 leaders and volunteers who were killed in action in 1916, based on the list used for the annual Arbour Hill commemoration, will be asked to join the dignitaries on the reviewing stand.

About 900 people will be invited to the reviewing stand. Members of the Northern Assembly will be invited but the unionist parties have said they will not be accepting the invitations.

The parade, involving 2,500 members of the Defence Forces, former service personnel and gardaí who have served on peacekeeping missions, will depart from Dublin Castle and will pass through Dame Street, College Green and O'Connell Street.


There will be a reading of the Proclamation outside the GPO and appropriate military honours will be rendered. The event will be televised live and it will be possible to view the parade along the route from Dublin Castle to O'Connell Street.

The anniversary will also be marked by a wreath-laying ceremony in Kilmainham Gaol that morning and by a Government reception at Dublin Castle that evening.

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins is a columnist with and former political editor of The Irish Times