Car share scheme to get trial on Irish roads

AN ambitious "pay as you drive" scheme, which aims to cut down the number of cars on Irish roads by encouraging owners to share…

AN ambitious "pay as you drive" scheme, which aims to cut down the number of cars on Irish roads by encouraging owners to share cars on a daily or even hourly basis, is to be introduced in Dublin next month.

The scheme, to be known as Pay As You Drive car sharing, which is already in operation in Germany, is being introduced on a pilot basis in Ireland, the Netherlands and the UK. It operates by car owners joining an association, which then allows others to use their cars, at agreed times and rates.

Some associations may buy new vehicles or take over ownership of members' cars, also taking care of insurance and servicing. Members are then encouraged to simply take a vehicle from a number of "car stations" around the operating area as needed.

The scheme aims to cut down the number of cars being brought into cities, reducing congestion and on-street parking.


The Irish pilot scheme is to be launched in the Dublin south east and the Dun Laoghaire/ Rathdown areas during European Car Sharing Week, which runs from October 19th to 26th.

The Irish organisers, Taylor Lightfoot Transport Consultants, are seeking car owners for the scheme.

According to the operators, the growth of individual schemes in Germany has allowed the public to use a variety of transport such as car, bus and rail. Joint ticketing/hiring arrangements were recently agreed with regional public transport authorities and German railways. As well, a European Car Sharing Association has been set up, with reciprocal arrangements between schemes in member countries.

In order to join the scheme, an individual pays a joining fee, a monthly membership fee and a returnable interest-bearing deposit. There are different rates for owners and non-owners of cars. Cars are hired for periods of one hour upwards with different charges covering time and mileage and depending on the type of vehicle.

It is estimated by the European Car Sharing Association that every car-sharing vehicle means four ears fewer on the road, with resultant average savings of 28,000 car-km per annum.

Potential members of the scheme should contact Ms Clare Watson on Dublin 2835945.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist