Clonmel group, Bord na gCon settle case

A dispute between the operator of the greyhound race track in Clonmel and Bord na gCon has been settled at the High Court.

A dispute between the operator of the greyhound race track in Clonmel and Bord na gCon has been settled at the High Court.

Judicial review proceedings taken by Clonmel Leisure Group Ltd challenging the decision of the board to revoke its operating licence for the track at Clonmel were due to open yesterday morning.

However, after talks between the sides lasting some two hours, Mr John Gordon SC, for Clonmel Leisure, said the differences between the parties had been amicably resolved.

He told Mr Justice Budd a consent had been executed and asked the judge to receive and file the consent.


The judge did so and also made an order that Clonmel Leisure's costs, including all reserved costs, were to be paid by Bord na gCon.

Mr Gordon said the parties had also agreed a statement to be read for the benefit of the many people in Clonmel and others who were awaiting the outcome of the proceedings.

Counsel then read the statement to the court. It said that the greyhound track in Clonmel "will continue to operate as at present and Bord na gCon, in conjunction with Clonmel Leisure Group, will progress the potential development and refurbishment of the track".

The statement added that any funding will be procured on the usual basis applicable to other principal tracks.

Mr Alan McMahon SC, for Bord na gCon, said he was in agreement with the statement.

The judge said he had no doubt that the settlement required considerable legal working out and was also aware "that what I see here is just the tip of the iceberg". He was glad the parties had managed to look towards the future.