Colaiste Mhuire reopens today

The Dublin inner city gaelscoil threatened with closure because of the poor condition of its premises is to reopen today in temporary…

The Dublin inner city gaelscoil threatened with closure because of the poor condition of its premises is to reopen today in temporary accommodation nearby.

Coláiste Mhuire has been given permission by the Dublin Institute of Technology to share its premises at Mountjoy Square until other accommodation becomes available in March.

The move follows the closure of Coláiste Mhuire's Parnell Square buildings, deemed unsafe by inspectors during Christmas. Parents were informed classes could not resume last week because of the accommodation crisis.

Following negotiations with the Department of Education premises at St Joseph's School for the Deaf in Cabra were offered to the school for its use. These will not be ready for occupancy for at least two months, prompting the need for "bridging accommodation".


Coláiste Mhuire's principal, Mr Oliver de Búrca, said he was "relieved" accommodation had been found to allow continuity of teaching.

Negotiations between the school and DIT Mountjoy Square were only completed yesterday.

Separate talks are due to begin later this month between Coláiste Mhuire and the Department over a planned renovation of the Parnell Square buildings. These will take place against the background of cutbacks in the Department school building programme.

Christian Brothers-run Coláiste Mhuire is one of the oldest and best-known Irish language schools in the country. Among its past pupils are former Fine Gael leader, Mr Alan Dukes, and the broadcaster Brian Farrell.

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times and writer of the Unthinkable philosophy column