Pricewatch: Value for Money

Tinned tomatoes



€1.60 for 400g, €4 per kg

Roma is a brand that has long been associated with Italian products. In fact, for many Irish people of a certain age, the brand would have been their introduction to exotic things such as pasta and tinned tomatoes and the like.

We like the fact it’s an Irish brand and widely available. We do not like paying €1.60 for it – although, to be fair, it can be found in bigger supermarkets for closer to €1.40.


In terms of texture, it is fine. And in terms of taste, it is surprisingly great – although that might be because of the added salt. It has a very herby flavour which might overpower a delicate recipe.

Verdict: Pretty reliable.
Star rating: * * *


€1.75 for 400g, €4.37 per kg

This is the dearest of the options we reviewed – but perhaps that is what you get when you opt for an organic option? Spoiler alert: No – the Bunalun tomatoes are organic too and are a good bit cheaper.

It is lacking somewhat in the flavour stakes but that may be to its credit, given that it will most likely be used as a base, rather than as an actual sauce. It is a grand product – how far wrong can you get with a tin of tomatoes, after all?

So, ultimately, it will come down to price. It is not horrendously expensive in the grand scheme of things but can we really justify a price which is over three times dearer than the cheaper option? No, no – we can not.

Verdict: Too dear.
Star rating: * *


49 cent for 400g, €1.22 per kg

This simply can not be beaten when it comes to price. Is it the best tin of tomatoes we have ever had? Nope. Served on its own, without onions, garlic, chilli, herbs, salt and whatever you’re having yourself, will it rock your world? Nope.

Is it worth stocking up on loads of tins of this next time you are in Aldi and then using one as a core ingredient in hundreds, if not thousands, of different recipes? Absolutely. Oh, and while you're at it, you might as well get some of the Aldi pasata – that's very cheap too and excellent value for money.

Verdict: Excellent value for money.
Star rating: * * * * *


€1.45 for 400g, €3.62 per kg

This deserves special praise from the get-go for proving that an organic product does not have to be wildly more expensive than one produced using less wholesome methods. It is not cheap by any means but it is almost a euro cheaper than the other organic option we tried.

We actually loved the flavours in this can, too – it has a wonderful oregano kick – but that might be a problem if you are cooking something that does not need oregano. It can’t compete with the Aldi product, in terms of value for money, but we liked it all the same.

Verdict: One for the organically minded.
Star rating: * * * *