€8m fuel laundering plant found in Monaghan

Tanker and seven tonnes of waste also discovered

Revenue image showing the fuel laundering plant discovered in Co Monaghan this morning

Customs officers have found a huge fuel laundering plant in Co Monaghan.

The plant in Drumacon had the capacity to launder more than 15 million litres of fuel per annum with a loss to the Exchequer of more than €8 million.

A Revenue statement said the facility was found following an “intelligence-led surveillance operation”.

A forklift, six vehicles and other equipment were seized. Some seven tonnes of toxic waste - the by-product of the laundering process - were also seized.


In a related search of a commercial yard in Longfield, a tanker with 20,000 litres of fuel, a trailer with a concealed tank and 68 bags of bleaching earth found.

Fuel laundering plants illegally “wash” agricultural diesel, which is marked with a dye and is sold at a reduced rate for use in farm vehicles, and sell it at a profit to general motorists.

Revenue said such vehicles pose a danger to vehicles. “It also takes much needed funds from the Exchequer; hurts legitimate trade and of course it is funding criminal activity,” the statement added.