Longboat Quay has 18 months to complete fire safety modifications

Court order stalls threat of evacuation hanging over 600 residents

Longboat Quay in Sir John Rogerson’s Quay in the Dublin docklands. Photograph: Brian Lawless/PA

Residents at Longboat Quay apartments in Dublin have been given 18 months to complete almost €4 million worth of vital fire safety modifications.

A court order stalls the threat of evacuation hanging over approximately 600 residents from the 298 apartments in the Dublin docklands.

The Longboat Quay management company, which represented the residents, challenged the fire safety notice issued by Dublin Fire Brigade demanding work – including the installation of a smoke ventilation system and fire prevention materials – to begin by November 1st. The notice was issued on behalf of Dublin City Council.

The appeal was heard at Dublin District Court on Tuesday during which Judge Michael Coghlan heard lengthy submissions from the management company and Dublin City Council.


He confirmed the fire safety order, but pushed back the deadline, stipulating that the necessary work must be completed by May 30th, in 2017.

By then it is expected a decision will have been made, in separate proceedings, as to who will foot the bill for the work which is expected to cost €3.88 million and involves mostly common areas in the development.

Judge Coghlan on Tuesday that he was agreeing to extend the deadline because “it is a unique case not comparable with a normal private residence situation; it is completely transparent to all, significant sums of money come into play”.

Judge Coghlan said he was sympathetic, but had been concerned the request for the extension placed him “in the seat of having to deal with the potential for disaster between now and whenever those works are completed”.

However, he noted that the development remains insured and it was expected that would continue and significant work has already been carried out to reduce risk.