Rioter during Queen Elizabeth’s Dublin visit spared jail

Man was part of a group of protesters who threw rocks and bottles at riot police

A Dublin man who threw rocks, glass bottles and a bike at riot police and a riot van during Queen Elizabeth's visit to Ireland has been spared jail after a judge suspended his prison sentence.

Mark Griffin (26) of North Strand Road was part of a group of protestors that turned violent towards public order gardaí­ while Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip were visiting the Garden of Remembrance in Parnell Square.

Missiles, including fireworks, general debris and bottles were thrown at gardaí­. At one stage Griffin helped push a wheelie bin that had been set alight up against the line of shielded riot officers.

He pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to violent disorder on Dorset Street Upper on May 17th, 2011.


Griffin has 71 previous convictions for offences including drugs, road traffic, theft and public order.

Judge Mary Ellen Ring suspended a sentence of two and a half years on condition that Griffin keeps the peace for that period.

The court heard that on the day of the visit a group of up to 150 people had gathered initially at the Spire on O’Connell Street. Some of the crowd became disorderly and they moved onto Moore Street in the direction of Parnell Square.

About 90 minutes later three riot vans were called in to move a group that had gathered at the junction of Dorset Street, Blessington Street and North Frederick Street after people had started to throw missiles at the gardaí.

Gardaí warned people over a public address system that they were committing an offence and if they didn’t move they would be arrested. The protesters remained and continued to throw missiles at gardaí­ and punch and kick at the riot officer’s shields.

Griffin was spotted throwing rocks and glass bottles. He was also seen pushing the bin which had been set alight.

He was arrested and admitted taking part in the riot “because everyone else was”. He said that he had also thrown a bike at one of the vans.

Garda Dolan agreed with Dean Kelly BL, defending Griffin, that his client was not a part of a Republican group and had been up all the previous night binge drinking. She agreed that Griffin regularly came to garda attention but has since “quietened down”.

Garda Tara Dolan said that others were masterminding the riot that day and directing the local youths were to go. She told Judge Ring that none of the ringleaders of the riot have been prosecuted.

She said damage had been done to cars and the front doors along Dorset Street. A number of gardaí received minor injuries but there are no charges before the courts other than the violent disorder charge.