Irish Travellers accused of fighting and disturbances in Poland

Hotels warned to avoid tourists, according to news site

Dozens of Irish people have been involved in disturbances at tourist accommodation in a resort town in northern Poland, according to a local news website. quotes a worker from one luxury hotel who said more than 100 Travellers had caused disruption after booking in for a party. They had requested a party bus, Hummer people-carriers and hundreds of balloons.

The staff member said the hotel sent out a warning to other hotels after the guests spent the night drinking heavily and banging on other guests’ rooms as well as throwing items out of the windows.

The news site also said the behaviour of about 35 Travellers in a local campsite had been “scandalous”.


A campsite manager told the website she had good previous experience with Irish tourists. The campsite was happy to receive more visitors from Ireland but the latest group quickly became “very burdensome” for the other holidaymakers.

However, when contacted by The Irish Times yesterday, the manager said the guests, who had stayed "four or five days", were not as bad as the earlier reports had suggested.

Dan Griffin

Dan Griffin

Dan Griffin is an Irish Times journalist