Man questioned over cocaine seizure in Dublin

Gardaí find fake passports, quantity of cash in search of premises on Moore Street

Gardaí are questioning a man over the seizure of drugs and two fake passports in Dublin this week.

A substance gardaí believe is crack cocaine with a street value of about €3,000 was seized by gardaí based at Store Street when they searched a premises on Moore Street on Wednesday.

Two false passports where also seized during the search.

A man in his 30s was arrested and is currently detained under section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act 1996 at Store Street Garda station.


A Garda spokesman said 1.6kg of what was believed to be cocaine was seized during a follow-up search in south Dublin. It has an estimated street value of €112,000.

Mixing agents, scales and a quantity of cash were also seized in that search.

“This seizure was the result of a lengthy surveillance operation by gardaí from Store Street Garda station and was aimed at disrupting a supply chain in the Dublin region,” the spokesman said.