Dail debate on GM foods agreed

The Green party has won party whip agreement for a Dail debate on genetically modified foods

The Green party has won party whip agreement for a Dail debate on genetically modified foods. The parties will be expected to state their views on genetic engineering, according to Mr John Gormley TD, who requested the debate.

The two-hour session will take place on the first available Thursday and within the next four weeks, Mr Gormley said yesterday. "There will be an opportunity for the parties to tell the public what their positions are."

He said he was surprised that the Government Chief Whip, Mr Seamus Brennan, had agreed so readily. "We are opposed to GM foods and have been heckled when we have raised this before," he said.

He had sought a debate to discuss this technology, he said, "because there is huge public confusion and disquiet out there".


The Government is in the early stages of initiating a public consultation process on GM foods and is to meet interest groups today to discuss agendas and issues to be raised.

This consultation process should not begin before the Dail had an opportunity to discuss the issues. "My idea is that we should have the Dail debate first," Mr Gormley said. The public will then know where each party stands when the discussion begins.

Dick Ahlstrom

Dick Ahlstrom

Dick Ahlstrom, a contributor to The Irish Times, is the newspaper's former Science Editor.